Gurus were true Sikhs and not Khalistanis sucking to Jihadi Bosses !!

Gurus were true Sikhs and not Khalistanis sucking to Jihadi Bosses !!

Gurus were true Sikhs and not Khalistanis sucking to Jihadi Bosses !!  Guru Arjan Dev will not stop chanting the name of Krishna !! Ram and Krishna was was his breath that was going in and coming out !!  Guru Tegh Bahadur was requested to offer himself in fight against Jihadi forces to save the Kashmiri Pandits from the Islamic regime run by the Mughal kings then.

Protecting Brahman is considered as the right thing to do in Sanatan Dharam which is also mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib the Bani of Gurus !! Saving and serving Brahman and cows is the superior duty of any Sanatan Dharmi and it was more so for Kshatriyas. When the opportunity came to save the Kashmiri Pandits, barely a teen ager son of Guru Tegh Bahadur.. who later became Guru Gobind Singh requested and reminded  his father to perform his duty by performing superior sacrifice.

Guru Gobind Singh who was announced as the last Guru was not only killed by Islamic regime and also his sons who were barely kids were walled and killed by suffocating them and not giving any food and more torture to make them to accept Islam which the jihadi gang failed miserably !!

If we talk to Gurus today, I’m sure they will say we were true Sikhs and not Khalistanis sucking to Jihadi Bosses !! We fought against the jihadi regim to save our Desh and Dharma !! Best way is to follow the true teachings as given in Guru Granth Sahib and not the ones taught by middlemen with vested interest !! Waheguru !! Jai Sia Ram !!


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