About Us

Welcome to BharatMarg.com  and Thanks for your interest in learning/serving more about/for Hindu/ Sanatana Dharma.  This magazine portal is intended to help every person following the Dharma with all the resources needed. That includes but not limited to Temples, Gosalas, Gow Pooja, Yagnas, Homams and if you want to perform any rituals in your home or even for Hindu cremation and more.

Do you need to feed Brahman at your home for any festival or auspicious days? Call us and we shall help you with that. Also if you want have Japam, Chanting of Bhagwans name, Markandeya Stotram for good health in the family and more.  WhatsApp us at +1 6479644790 for fastest response.

We at BharatMarg.Com involve in promoting the core values of Santana Dharma. The Love and Peace which is based on the core Dharmic principle Vasudeva Kutumbakam. Some of the services that BharatMarg.Com involved is covering Dharmic events around the World. Also we encourage the writers to write in Bharat Marg in various areas, such as Our Dharma, About Temples, Dharma for kids with Moral, Bravery and Cultural Stories and also any current and political issues related to dharma along with exposing the double standards in a way to propagate peace and love in the community.

We are blessed with a large readership to begin with WhatsApp where more than 60,000 people receive our one Dharmic message per day around the world happily. On top of this, tens of thousands of people through social media outlets like Face book, Twitter etc.

Our articles are majorly written by some great people with incredible subject knowledge along with big heart to serve the Santana Dharma community and the generations to come. We also want to thank all those Religious and National leaders, Social workers, Activists who have agreed and done interviews with us as their commitment to support our cause.

We are excited to let you know that we are working hard every day to bring the articles and interviews of the people whose views and commitment matters to the community of Santana Dharma. Like any other growing organization we are always open for inputs, criticism and feedback, so never hesitate to send a message to us with your opinion through our contact page, because your opinion does matter.

Also know, with the intention to help Santana Dharma community, BharatMarg.Com has launched Job portal, Matrimonial, Dharma pages and help line etc. All these services will be free for ever for all as service to the community.

Looking forward to meet and talk to each one of you in the near future.

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