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Ekadashi – The Day of Fasting
November 26

The traditional system of Ekadashi vrata is to fast and stay awake all night chanting the Lord’s glories. Need to take only one simple meal before nightfall on Dasami (the day before Ekadashi), and a similar simple meal on Dvadasi (the day after Ekadashi )
Ekadasi means a change of diet. Many of them hardly even notice Ekadashi coming and going. But Ekadashi observance means more than refraining from eating grains. The traditional system of Ekadashi vrata is to fast and stay awake all night chanting the Lord’s glories. Need to take only one simple meal before nightfall on Dasami (the day before Ekadasi), and a similar simple meal on Dvadasi (the day after Ekadashi. In Brahma-vaivarta Purana it is said that one who observes fasting on Ekadashi day is freed from all kinds of reactions to sinful activities and advances in pious life. The basic principle is not only just to fast, but to increase one’s faith and love towards Govinda or Krishna.
There are two Ekadasi days for each month and they are astronomically calculated according to the Moon. The word Ekadashi literally means the eleventh day, eka (one) + das (ten) = eleven. So an Ekadashi generally falls eleven days after a full Moon and eleven days after a new Moon. But there are sometimes exceptions to the rule.
Actually, on Ekadashi day we should not take any food or even drink water. But in this Society we are not observing it so strictly. We say that on Ekadasi you should not take any food grains but you may take a little fruit and milk. This is like a tapasya.
Whichever day the fast takes place one should fast from Sunrise to Sunrise. It’s good practice to abstain from the grains the previous evening so there will not be grain in your system the following morning. Throughout the day of fasting however, by concentrating the focus of our activities on Ekadashi the charming paramour known as Krishna will be most pleased.
His divine consort Srimati Radharani hearing of our endeavour will indubitably bestow her merciful glance upon us in the form of seva-bhavana As fire can immediately burn a great pile of cotton, so even just one Ekadashi can burn the great Mount Meru of sins accumulated over one hundred births. Medically to fast a day once a week or a fortnight and start next day with liquid are said to be extremely good for health, body and mind. The energy of the whole body system gets distributed equally if a particular limb is not given any inordinate work. So, when you fast the energy is equally distributed as the digestive function will not be there.
एकादशी व्रत करनेका विधि & महिमा जानने के लिए और कौनसी मंत्र जाप करना है… जाननेकेलिया इस वीडियो को जरूर देखें | क्या एकादशी व्रत करके कोई ऋषि मुनियों से ज्यादा कृष्णा का प्यारा हो सकता है ? भक्त राज अम्ब्रीश महाराज और मुनिराज ध्रुवासक के बीच में क्या हुवा ? भगवान विष्णु ने किसके साथ दिया? क्यों ? ये सब जाननेकेलिया इस वीडियो को जरूर देखें और सबसे शेर करके कृष्णा भक्ति को दुनिया भर में फैलायें |