King who was cursed by Dog – Game Over !!

Mother Dog cursed King Janamejaya the Great grandson of Arjuna, the bravest of the mighty Pandavas and friend of Krishna…

Essence of Bhagavad Gita in 10 minutes – By HH Sri Krishna Desika Jeeyar Swamy

HH Sri Krishna Desika Jeeyar Swami who constructed a wonderful and unique Sri Vaishnava temple for Sri Ranganatha at Pomona,…

70. Dushyanta enters Ashram

“Vaishampaayana said, ‘Then the king (Dushyanta) with his followers, having killed thousands of animals, entered another forest with a view…

69. The Hunt of Dushyanta

“Janamejaya said, ‘I desire to hear from you about the birth and life of the high-souled Bharata and of the…

68. Dushyanta

“Janamejaya said, ‘O Brahmana (Rishi Vaishampaayana), I have, indeed, heard from you this account of the incarnation, according to their…

67(B). Avatar of Devas

“O monarch (Janamejaya), learn that king Yudhishthira was a portion of Dharma(deva); that Bhimasena was of Vaayudeva; that Arjuna was…

67(A). Birth of Asuras

“Janamejaya said, ‘O worshipful one (Rishi Vaishampaayana), I wish to hear from you in detail about the birth, among men,…

66. Analysis of Lineages

“Vaishampaayana said, ‘It is known that the spiritual sons (Maanasa Putra in Sanskrit) of (Lord) Brahma were the six great…

65. Birth of Living Beings

“Vaishampaayana said, ‘Then (Lord) Indra had a consultation with (Lord) Narayana about the latter’s descent on the earth from heaven…

64. Devas decide to be born on Earth

“Janamejaya said, ‘O Brahmana (Rishi Vaishampaayana), those you have named and those you have not named, I wish to hear…
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