Know your editor


Sri Sounder Dilipan is the founder and editor of Bharatmarg, which is into Sanatan Dharma Prachar around the world. Bharatmarg is operating from Toronto, Canada. He was born and brought up in the southern part of Tamil Nadu in Bharat and he has travelled extensively in Bharat and in & around the world during his life as an activist and now as the editor of Bharatmarg.

Sounder Dilipan was associated with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) at the age of 12. He was also actively working with Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) the student wing of RSS and also the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (youth BJP) during his college time in Maharashtra. He went to Ayodhya during the time of the illegal structure demolishment during Dec.6th 1992. He briefly volunteered for Vanvasi Kalyan Kendra (VKK) after college before starting his career as a software engineer.

He was living & working in USA for a decade where he worked as a software engineer before starting his own software firm. Near the end of 2005 he moved and expanded his software company into Canada which does web development, design and digital marketing and started operating from Toronto, Canada. He works with many Hindu Nationalist groups in Canada & America and is extensively involved in community service.

He started Bharatmarg on 2017 with the intention of helping Sanatana Dharmies around the world to practice Dharma and propagate about the Rich history of Bharat to youngsters and adults in English. Currently Bharatmarg has a huge audience around the world, and it has now expanded its service into Hindi and Tamil as well.

Bharatmarg interviews some of the biggest and the best Dharmic leaders, community leaders, political leaders etc to bring out the hidden history of Bharat, guru’s teachings, temple histories and also exposing anti-hindu & anti-national activities.

Bharatmarg is also involved in bringing back those people who got out of Sanatan Dharma by doing havan/yagnya and giving the people new names. Bharatmarg today educates and informs people about the upcoming Dharmic-festivals and clarifies any questions/doubts as a free service.

Today Bharatmarg is also involved in supporting Goshalas, Anna Dhan(food donations), giving clothing as well as education for poor students through the associated organizations.

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