Srirangam Temple – Functions -Specialties : Temple History & Sthala Puran – Part 2

Srirangam Temple – Functions -Specialties : Temple History & Sthala Puran – Part 2

Check out all about Srirangam Temple – Functions – Specialties with full explanation. How big is the temple? How many temples are there inside this huge temple? What are the specialties? How many Parikramas, deities, Gurus inside this temple? Whats the story behind each aspect of this temple? Get to know all in this video and be blessed by Sri Ranganathar and Ranganayaki Thayar. Do share the blessings with others by sharing the video.

PN:- Do know this is a 6 part series and if you din’t check out the first part on how the temple came to Srirangam, do click this link for the part 1 video and know the history of the temple from the beginning.

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Srirangam, Ranganatha, Srirangam Temple, Srirangam Temple History, Sthala Puran, Temple History, Ranganathar, Ranganayaki, Ranganayaki Thayar


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