Your time on this beautiful planet is brief. The more consciously awake you become, the more you realise how short life really is.
You have no time to waste on tasks and visions that aren’t taking you where you want to go.
If there is any form of internal conflict at all in the decisions you are making, you need to get clarity as to why. Chances are, if you’re feeling conflicted, there is something wrong.
Your deepest intuitions know best.
Having conflict between your goals creates emotional distress.
It happens when the pursuit of one goal impedes you from achieving your other goals. Having conflicting goals generally comes from seeking social,family and cultural goals at the expense of your true goals.
You can’t get that time back.
Again, the closer you get to living in alignment with your vision and highest values, the more precise you must be with your time. You can’t justify pursuing even great things at the expense of the absolute essential. Time is a very costly resource. To waste even a little bit of it, when you are vision-driven, is painful.
Keep your vibration raised all the time. Keep the mind under control with the mantra.stay focus on achieving your set goal.