First Sikh General was a Brahman?

First Sikh General was a Brahman?

Guru Gobind Singh’s Most trusted lieutenant and the man who took charge after him, Bhandha Singh Bahadhur was a Brahman? What was his Gothra? Sikh lobby destroyed Hero’s history just because of he was a Brahman?  All Gurus Caste and creed are published by Historians but not for Bhandha Singh !! Becasue he was a Brahman?

Historian and author of upcoming book “Who Was Banda Singh Bahadur..? The Untold Stoary “ Jatinder Singh Dutta revels it all on in this must see video. Watch…comment & Share “Conspiracy or Coincidence?”

#GuruGobindSingh #BandaSinghBahadur #Sikhs

Guru Gobind Singh, Bhandha Singh Bahadhur, Bhandha Bahadhur, Brahman, Brahmin, Sikhs, Sikh, Sikh lobby,Jatinder Singh Dutta, Chat On Bharat Marg, Bharat Marg,, BharatMarg, Sounder Dilipan


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