Rajiv Gandhi was a professional pilot for Indian Airlines before entering politics. While at Cambridge, he met Italian-born Sonia Gandhi whom he later married. He remained aloof from politics despite his mother being the Indian Prime Minister, and it was only following the death of his younger brother Sanjay Gandhi in 1980 that Rajiv entered politics. After the assassination of his mother in 1984 after Operation Blue Star, Indian National Congress party leaders nominated him to be Prime Minister.
At that time Congress had many senior ministers with lots of experience in the party. But the Congress Party Chose inexperienced Rajiv Gandhi to lead the largest democracy just because he was from Nehru-Gandhi dynasty and as expected India at that time used for slavery for few centuries and ruled by Rajas and Maharajas till then, voted for dynastic politics one more time in big way ignoring the experience factor.
Rajiv Gandhi and Congress party swung to action taking revenge for his Mom Indira Gandhi’s death and murdering, burning innocent Sikhs and raping Sikh women and more all over. His Goons like Jagdheesh Taitler, Sitting CM of Madhya Pradesh Kamalnath, Sajan and more were deputed strategically to execute the master plan that was provided at Rajeev Gandhi’s home.
As per report of the Nanavati Commission, most number of Sikhs was butchered in areas which Rajiv Gandhi visited on November 1, 1984 immediately after the assassination of his mother and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on the preceding day.
The Nanavati Commission also states that 39 Sikhs were killed in Adarsh Nagar, 35 in Sabji Mandi and 15 in Kingsway camps. These areas also witnessed burning of twelve gurdwaras, 64 factories, 133 shops and 45 houses.
Jagdeesh Tyler in a recently leaked video shows him boasting about having massacred 100 Sikhs. “The self disclosure by Tytler stating that he had taken Rajiv Gandhi to various places in Delhi on November 1 proves a deeper conspiracy to target Sikhs in a planned manner because the areas visited by Rajiv were immediately wreaked by mayhem against the Sikh community.
Now it is necessary to ascertain where all the Prime minister’s security vehicles moved in Delhi with Tytler and Rajiv Gandhi on the fateful day. Their log books need to be examined for this purpose for sure.. and all those who incited violence and murder and rape were given Cabinet roles to party leaders by Congress and PM Late.Rajiv Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi’s mother and Ex-PM of India from Congress party, was assassinated on October 31 by her Sikh bodyguards. Riots, or what the Sikh community calls genocide, erupted across India, with about 3,000 Sikhs being killed in Delhi alone.
Rajiv Gandhi had “justified” the violence that erupted after Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination saying “when a big tree falls, the earth shakes”. The PM of the country justified the massacre of Sikhs. How can such a person who has been involved in the mass murder for whatever reason be a Bharat Ratna?
Other than that Rajiv Gandhi’s hands are there in killing, rapes and looting of innocent Tamil speaking Hindus to impress Sri Lanka for which he was killed in Chennai.
We believe Such a Mass murder of people, democracy and Judicial system which made sure all these criminals have been given free run can never be Bharat Ratna and that award if needed to cherished as a honorable one still, need to stripped off from Rajiv Gandhi. Do you support also? If so sign this petition to Indian Govt, demanding the present govt. to strip off Bharat Ratna from Ex Congress leader and PM of India Rajiv Gandhi.. This is no more a political potato.. lets call the murderers and criminals by the same name and stop honoring them and insulting the innocent victims.