This is why Diwali Cracker Ban in Delhi Became a flop

This is why Diwali Cracker Ban in Delhi Became a flop

My Take on Why Diwali Cracker Ban in Delhi became a Flop and How still Supreme Court of India can still restore its respect from being a laughing stock of people at this time. Let Us know what you think?

Did Supreme Court Acted like Sharia Court of India?

Are the Judges of SC are more interested in being on headline by basing Hindus?

Impression being created to let the kids know that our ancestors were stupid and never worried about environment?

Here is My Take on the Supreme Court Diwali Cracker Ban Flop in Delhi by Sounder Dilipan. Let us know what you think and comment.


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  • GOVINDARASU P , October 22, 2017 @ 10:22 am

    As rightly said the pollution caused due to crackers is very less percent compared to the ones caused by industrial emissions,automobiles and burning of straw in the harvested wheat field.

    Better the government comes out with tough measures on those pollution causing agents.

    • Sounder Dilipan , October 22, 2017 @ 8:16 pm

      Surely you are right. This is more an agenda to deny quality than about pollution control. If its all about pollution control and if the crackers are the reason for it, they could have banned it all year round and not only for Diwali ЁЯЩБ

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