How & why to list your Business/Organization details in the Hindu Directory of BharatMarg.Com?

How & why to list your Business/Organization details in the Hindu Directory of BharatMarg.Com?

Its free to list your business/organization in  Its Free for both the Business/Organization to list and also for the user to surf as this is a website that’s intention is to help Hindu (Sanatan Dharm) community to perform any ritual and/or follow the sanskriti as much as they want.


If your business helps exclusively Hindu community and/or the one following Sanathan Dharm then you can list your Business/organisation in the Hindu Directory to extend your service much more.  To List your Business/Organisation newly in Hindu Directory, You must come to and to “Hindu Directory” then click on Create a listing.  Start filling the fields and for category, if you have what you want already choose that else choose “New Category Needed” and post your listing.

Once your listing is approved then it will start appearing on the Hindu Directory allowing the users to find you easily.  If you have any questions, you can feel free to contact us also.  We would love to help you.  Our Goal is to help Hindus around the world to become practising Hindu, if that’s what they want.


For User its easy, you can come and browse the Hindu service you want in the location you want anywhere in the world.

We allow anyone to create the listing even though they may or may not be the owner or authorised person of the business in order to give more exposure to these organisations/businesses and help the users find the needed service.  So any one can go ahead and create a listing of one more business/organisations that will help the Hindu Community and/or anyone following Sanathan Dharma in practising Dharma and culture


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