Holy Pilgrimage of Sankardev to Puri – Devotees come from Assam to Jagannath Puri

Holy Pilgrimage of Sankardev to Puri – Devotees come from Assam to Jagannath Puri

The Holy Pilgrimage of Sankardev to Puri made him a true devotee of Lord Jagannath and a lover of Orissa and Assam when Bhakti Cult flourished in different parts of the country. … Shankar Dev not only accepted Jagannath as his deity for worship, he also carried over the cultural heritage of Orissa to Assam.

Mahapurush Sankardev, the great Vaishnava saint and multifaceted genius of Assam is also very well known among the scholars of Orissa. In Oresa barnana section of his ³Kirtan Ghosha´,Sankardev has described about the origin of the image of Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra in Jagannatha temple, the rituals and festivals in the temple and also about the outcome of singing the glory of Lord Jagannatha and taking Mahaprasad in details. The Jagannatha culture has spread great influence on the religion, culture and literature as well as folklore of Assam. Even illiterate women specially in rural area sing songs composed on Lord Jagannatha.

Check out the video to see how the followers of Sankardev from Assam come to Jagannath Puri every year in remembrance of the Holy pilgrimage of their Guru and chant and do parikrama with the holy book “Bhagavad Gita” and gave discourse on this also. Each one of them were exited to be in the punyabhoomi of Jagannath ji !! Check out the video to react.. comment and share with others to showcase our culture is same in the length and breadth of Sanatan Dharma and Bharat !!
#Sankardev #Assam #JagannathPuri #Puri #Jagannath


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