Brampton Hindu Sabha Temple – Crime-Criminal And Powerless victim

Brampton Hindu Sabha Temple – Crime-Criminal And Powerless victim

Bharat Marg tried to reach out to the Hindu Sabha temple management for interview but got turned down. After few times,  Hindu Sabha Temple Office barrier Sri.Ashok Kapoor ji agreed  for an interview , but on the day of the interview it was cancelled and  at the time of cancellation when we asked why, he said that’s because Bharat Marg publishes articles against Hindu Sabha temple and they don’t like  it. But when he was pointed out, that we are not against the temple but the sex assault convict Praveen sharma and his continued presidency.

When we asked Sri Ashok Kumar ji during the same call for one of the questions, why Praveen Sharma the rape convict is still the president of the temple.. he mentioned, the court has already punished him and no need to remove him from the board of the temple and punish him again. Its very astonishing to hear the committee members still supporting the sexual convict without holding any standard to the temple and give push back for the interview.. as they believe Bharat Marg will ask them some real hard hitting questions that’s in the heart and mind of the devotees. We are here posting the questions that we heard from the temple devotees and believe the temple management will be courageous and open enough to answer them.


  1. Defense lawyer told judge (Who is billing heavily and getting paid from the donation box of the temple) that Sexual assault convict and Hindu Sabha Temple president told his client Praveen Sharma is a very kind person and donates food generously to food banks to help the needy which is far from truth. office-bearers of Hindu Sabha Temple, Prabhat Kapoor and Kumar Aggarwal gave affidavit for good character for the Sexual convict Hindu Sabha Temple Praveen Sharma .

  1. During the trial Crown lawyer told that Praveen Sharma was using the temple’s office to manipulate the vulnerable girl since Feb 2016 and finally convinced her to rent his basement where he raped her in Oct. 2016 when his wife Kiran was away and went  to India. Abhay Shastri, the head priest of the Hindu Sabha temple knew it all and worked hand in glow. Why no dismissal of the priest or president or other committee members yet? Why the temple management is in bed with convicted sexual assaulter and his buddies?

  2. There are also allegations that Hindu Sabha Temple is being used for money laundering and as a part of bigger scheme of things, Shastri approached victim girl to offer $50,000 and get the case hushed up. Why even after this incident Shastri is still continuing as a priest of the Hindu Sabha Temple?

  3. Donation box of Hindu Sabha temple was broken and the huge amount of donation money was stolen. This is a open secret between the devotees of the temple that its an insider job.  Who could have done it, we will leave it to your guess!! Peel Police hushed it up?  No criminals were still not caught or punished why?

  4. Abhay Shastri, the head priest of the Hindu Sabha temple who was directly involved in this sexual assault case with accusation of bribing the victim and manipulating the letters from fake Priest etc for getting mercy plea for Praveen Sharma has a reputation that’s very questionable also.  Abhay Shastri’s wife, Sangeeta Sharma .. a pharmacist at Torbram Pharmacy has been charged 3 times by Ontario college of Pharmacist for shady dealings. Full details on this available at . He is not the first priest of the temple who go through these kind of allegations and much more serious ones.. why none gets dismissed any way?

  5. Sexual assault convict and Hindu Sabha Temple president Praveen Sharma’s name has been removed from office but when the demand was made to show letter of dismissal, the temple committee refused to do so.. why? Whats the truth.. Even the priest who was involved in this shady dealings still there..

Then Bharat Marg had a discussion with Sri Rajinder Chadha from Brampton, the Ex-Member of Hindu Sabha board and he says, Praveen Sharma’s punishment handed out for sexual assault has happened may be first of its kind but certainly not the first sexual assault.

Several years ago another South Asian local newspaper has documented the issue of Child molestation that happened at the temple and few more sexual exploits by certain priests within the temple premises and in all cases the victims were bribed to keep quiet or pushed under the rug in so called “Saving the name of the temple and community”.  If only Peel Regional Police didn’t adequately function and performed their duties then more of such of these crimes could have been very well avoided.

Breaking of donation box in the temple for personal use.. Sexual offences.. Bribes.. How far more the Hindu Sabha temple for their own personal benefit can drag the community and devotees down?  This temple and devotees also have seen millions of dollars going into legal fees to keep those ask questions at bay and to hide the crimes happening inside. Peel Police have been a mute spectator of this too.  A forensic audit could find millions more have ben funnelled out by means of fake expenses, money laundering or swindled as alleged in several court cases.

“ I don’t want to go in detail any of these..  I know Praveen Sharma case is the latest. Yes Perpetrator got his punishment even after fighting the case with Hundi money from donation box of the temple..  What did the victim get?  She will just suffer her entire life?   Is that’s the justice.. How many more people have to suffer by these criminals before the community wakes up asks Sri Raj Chadha . Makes sense.. How long this criminal enterprise can go along unchallenged dragging the community and its reputation down?


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  • Bhanu , May 21, 2019 @ 6:48 pm

    If they cant control their sexual desires, why they want to become priest?
    This is the reason everyone make fun of our religion.
    Running a temple Is a business nothing else.

    • netultim2 , May 22, 2019 @ 7:49 am

      Well said.. Guess here there could be a bigger issue here of doing wrong things under the roof of the temple for protection.. Very sad situation for sure

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