Get One Santana Dharma related message every day easy in your mobile from today

Do you / your family / your friends will love to get One Santana Dharma related message every day?

We at this time are reaching out to more that 60K people in WhatsApp everyday around the world. To get this message all you have to do is to save Bharat Marg’s number +1 (647) 964-4790 (Our WhatsApp number) in your contact and send us a request to add you to the list. Also mention your full name and which country you are located currently… so that we can send the right message for you. Without this procedure, even if we send the message our system won’t get it delivered..

You can also recommend your friends/family to do the same.. We remind you on all important festivals and also give full explanation how and why this function is celebrated.  It makes the next generation youngsters to learn more about our Dharma.  If they have any questions they can also reach back to us and we do all our best in answering your question/clarification to best of our ability.

Also you can like and subscribe Bharat Marg page at and get regular information and updates through Facebook too . You can also get our messages and regular updates by liking and following

Are you and your friends on Twitter and now you can get Dharma related messages from your twitter too by following @bharatmarg .  You can also check the exclusive videos of Bharat Marg as it get uploaded by subscribing at

Do know when you are connected with Bharat Marg you can check on all the upcoming Dharmic events and more at and ask us any question or clarifications you need. We do this as service in a way to spread the message of love through Sanatan Dharma which is the need of the hour today.

You can also become a writer and by clicking and to know more about how to write to get maximum traffic and get it right, you can check out  . In this way, you can write about the events happening in local area where you are from and where you live also. Also you can write about any current political developments that help or hurt our dharma to bring it to the attention of the people.

Feel free to contact us more questions/clarifications. Join hands with us in spreading the message of Santana Dharma around the world by sharing / liking / commenting the post. If you like what we do please give us a 5* review at Thank you for being part of our extended family. Jai Sia Ram

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