Upcoming Interview with Advocate L.Victoria Gowri on Christian Conversion

Upcoming Interview with Advocate L.Victoria Gowri on Christian Conversion

Ms.Victoria Gowri is an Advocate/Central Govt. Senior Standing Counsel, Madurai Bench of Madras High Court and also she is also holding the position of National General Secretary Member-BJP Mahila Morcha & Mahila Morcha – State In –Charge of  Bharathiya Janata Party Mahila Morcha for the States of Kerala and Lakshadweep.

This interview will be focused on Conversion tricks played by Christian missionaries in getting people converted by having various front end operations such as schools, Hospitals and other so called other Secular outfits and NGOs.  This interview will also focus on various divisions and abusive environment created by the upper class Christians to the SC/ST Christians and how we can bring them back to their mother religion (Ghar Wapsi)

Ms.Victoria Gowri Says, ” Hailed from Kanyakumari District, where conversion has attained multiple dimensions she will elaborate the impact of conversion in our culture, life style & thought process .How names of villages are christened by not only converting common man but also converting every inch of our motherland into a part of Jerusalem”.

Coming from a family where many of her family members including her own Grand Mother is a christian and also living in the mist of daily conversions..Ms.Victoria Gowri could be the best person to answer question on conversions and tricks played by Christian missionaries and NGOs to convert the innocent Hindus especially from lower rug of the social spectrum with or with out their knowledge and also what it takes to bring them back to their mother religion.

Click her profile and post all questions you have on this subject to get answered from this expert in Chat On Bharat Marg Program now ASAP


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  • Say Vari , February 11, 2018 @ 3:31 pm

    Does Vatican permit incluturalisation i.e. using Hindu temple architecture, symbols, rituals way of dressing as an inducement to convert people from other religion? Shouldn’t the Central and State Govt Legislature pass a law against this nefarious use of Hindu religious practices and pass it on as Christian culture?

    • netultim2 , February 13, 2018 @ 2:28 pm

      Very nice question. Shall be put to Ms.Victoria Gowri. Any more questions also pl do feel free to post.

    • Mathew Joseph , July 9, 2019 @ 9:38 am


      The question then would be, should Hindus be barred by law from using anything that Christians have invented, developed or contributed? Ready for it? If such a law comes, will you be left with anything other than the clothes that your wear?

  • Raja Pavan , February 14, 2018 @ 11:37 am

    Why Christianity is collapsing in the European , American and African countries ? Why Christianity is increasing in the Asian Countries ?

    • netultim2 , February 14, 2018 @ 12:36 pm

      Good one. Any more questions from you and/or your friends/family also welcomed. Lets get all cleared.

  • Anand , February 15, 2018 @ 7:24 am

    What is the best way to stop converting and how to impliment it.

    • netultim2 , February 17, 2018 @ 12:15 pm

      Sure Sri Anand, we shall get the answer for you 🙂

  • Rohini , February 17, 2018 @ 6:19 am

    Why do well known personalities in Tamilnadu use hindu names, concealing their original christian names and criticise our culture and beliefs? Names like Sabastiansimon,Vijayjoseph,Vairamuthu, Duraimurugan Ghandhi,Vaico, Veeramani & poltical parties like communists & shades of Dravidian parties?

  • Rohini , February 17, 2018 @ 6:22 am

    Why do parties of Seeman& John Pandian are fond Lord Muruga only among Hindu deities?

  • Rohini , February 17, 2018 @ 6:31 am

    Is Christianity is lacking spirituality that in Tamilnadu it uses all cunning methods to increase its numbers. And did Christ believe in numbers and asked his eva ngilist to use hook or crook methods to gain numbers?

  • Rohini , February 17, 2018 @ 6:38 am

    Is the present Bible both in English & Tamil true translation from the original Hebrew/Latin? Was it meddled in course of history to suit various political dispensation for their political ends? And is it true that the Bible now current is only about a negligible fraction of its original in words, content and intent?

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