Looking groom for marriage for 5”.6” 27 year old girl

Looking groom for marriage for 5”.6” 27 year old girl

Education:  ​Bachelor of Accounting (Honors) from prestigious CA Accounting program at Brock University

Professional Certifications: ​Qualified Charted Accountant (CA/CPA certification). Passed final CA/CPA exam in 2016. Expected to get CA practice license in 2018.

Work Experience: ​Working for Federal Government since May 2017.   Selected in the prestigious ‘Financial Officer Development Program’ which grooms CA/CPAs to take senior level positions in the federal government.

Prior to this worked as Credit Analyst with a multinational bank in Toronto for 2 years. Received many awards for high performance on the job

Family:​Family well settled in Canada.  Parents immigrated to Canada from Panjab 30 years ago. Both parents professional working in financial and IT industry in multi-national corporations at senior level. Parents well known and respected in Indian community and actively involved in running a charitable organization.

​Brother also Charted Accountant (CA) working for a big-four multi-national accounting firm in Toronto.

​Deepika born and brought up in Toronto in Indian culture with high morals and ethics and occasional meat eater looking for a groom from Indian community who is already here (preferably brought up in USA/Canada). If anyone interested in this alliance you can email to info@BharatMarg.com with Subject “Matrimony – Deepika”


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