Invitation for Dharmic youths to register for public service

Invitation for Dharmic youths to register for public service

Its time for Canadian Hindu youths to get involved in politics.  Politics is not a  bad word any more.  If  you want to fix something, best way is to get involved in it to fix it.   We see in other communities where the individual families are very active in various levels of politics.  City level, village level, ward level, state level and federal level etc.

It is assumed that the ones, who are interested in getting into politics, want to get into it for the money and power involved in it. Even if an young individual  interested in politics, he or she is discouraged by their parents as they see it as a dirty and murky world not fitting for decent people.  This should change and we need to get into the community, not for profit cultural organizations and politics with open heart and mind. Also as a friend and family we should encourage the youngsters to come in to public service with good values and hence we can impact one organization, one city, one province and one country at a time.

When good people hesitate to come to politics then we will end up ruled by not so good people and you should tolerate that and live. Our youths must start with volunteering in community services like police or any cultural events or in campaign/party office of any politician whose majority policies you support.  In this way you will get a handle on how the whole process work.. Never forget, if you don’t have the right last name then you should start from the basement.

For the kids of politicians, many time they don’t need to showcase any capability or past performances but still can get fit into the inner circle. But this may not be possible for any average everyday person. So do whatever it takes to get involved.

Politics needs some freshness in politicians and also representation from all segments of the communities, especially the ones who are ruling the roost, are in the prime of their age. This is one of the reasons why a lot of policies implemented by the politicians seem jaded or outdated. To bring in a wave of freshness and novelty in politics, it is imperative for young people, with fresh ideas  get involved in it.

Nowadays we see lot more awareness on the ground and in social media. But that’s not enough, we need more. In fact much more. We will also go to the extent of recommending the families and wise people in the community to suggest the youngsters to study for politics in schools and universities and also to get involved in various levels.

Are you a pro Dharmic and pro Bharat individual? You love to say Bharat Mata Ki Jia? And you are interested in getting into any organization for community service and/or to volunteer in political campaigns and/or wanting to run for elections this time or in the future?  Join hands with Bharat Marg and we will love to help you in your endeavor.

We can help you to gain experience in volunteering in the area of choice. If you want to for any pro Dharmic / pro Bharat candidates we can help you with that also by connecting you to get desired experience. Do know, Bharat Marg doesn’t support any party but only candidates who are pro Dharmic & pro Bharat. We can also talk to the local organizations that are involved in community service for you to participate. Go ahead and fill the form given below


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