It is known fact that westerners especially Europeans left our nation in the form of governance, nut still many doesn’t know that they were invading India from backend. Many won’t accept this hard fact because our citizens were ruined with western thoughts and influenced more by it. Taming Indigenous practice became routine exercise. Speaking for Hindus and traditions became harmful speech while appeasing other religion were termed as Secular. The very word secular itself unsuited to India, Europeans used this term to show themselves that they were away from the clutches of churches. Till now in many western governments, words of Pope or Cardinal are final. Because church is the invisible dictator. Where as in India, it is unnecessary to call herself as secular because temples were never part of government decisions in the past and won’t be in the future too. Rather Temples, Mutt’s and Hindu Religious institutions involved in the activity of social discourse to eliminate the discrimination that prevailed in the Hindu Society. Kings and rich men donated their wealth for the development of the temple which in turn facilitates the poor by feeding them through Anadaanam in the name of God.
Temples are the crucial part of Hindu society; it provides its people in different forms. It acts as a pillar of social unity more over it was the centre of economy to the people who live around the temples. Temple festivals like Car Festival where people of all castes and Varna’s used to participate and pull the rope of the car for pradarshan. Hindu festivals were socially structured so that all the people can enjoy the fruitiness of the festival. Basically Hindu Economy acts as a role model of entrepreneurship especially women lead business model were the most successive one. Anyone can enter temple and go up to the sanctum of the god. There is no partiality or discrimination in form of caste inside the temple. Villagers used to donate their first farm output after cultivation to the temple. Temple in turn provide those food grains through philanthropic activities. Moreover, it was called as hub of Village economy. Kings during those days built temple to showcase their architecture by giving jobs to their citizens. Temple was part of the economic system but not a decision making one.
In western world, Churches were the main part of the country. Governments used to follow the words of cardinal or pope or whoever it may be. Churches played crucial role even during autocratic form of government. If Kings or elected representatives didn’t follow the words of church’s high order, Churches will run a parallel government. The very word secular came to lime light when the fight between church and elected representative went high. Politicians used to show the people that they were the ones who doesn’t follow the order of the church.
Unfortunately, the term secular came to Indian Constitution in 1976 during emergency by Indra Gandhi. Still many politicians in the western world follows the words of church. Republican Party in America openly supports the dominance of Church. Not Like in Temples, churches practices discrimination. A protestant cannot enter Catholics vice versa. Temples act as a backbone to the economic activity of the area concerned. Whereas Churches are operated as a formal organisation like multinational companies. They strictly follow the line of control. A King or ruling representative cannot order church to act, but in Temples Priest or the trustee board should strictly adhere to the rule of the land. Apart from prayers churches involve themselves in governance rather than doing philanthropic activities. Their main motive is to convert more people from other religion into Christianity.
The main objective of pope is to dictate the world. In recent Nepal earthquake Vatican ordered to distribute Bible to the people who lost everything. Thanks to Nepal government which sent back those Bibles. Churches are institutions that are formed by group of people, but Temples are inherited generations after generations. Churches can be built at any place at any point of time whereas in temples deities are born naturally, temples are built by having deity at centre. Still there are many more conflicts in the managements of Churches. A church can be called as institution but a temple can’t be called the same because temples are run by collective efforts of people. There may be an informal organisation which manages the day today activities of temple. Here devotees can do any Pooja or service at his own will. This sort of democracy is not there in churches.
Having this as background let us see how Western institutions control the social discourse in India. Church as an Institution controls its society. It determines the philanthropists what charity they should do and for what purpose they should fund. So at first step they control funding agencies. With the plenty of funds, church can do whatever it desires.
The second main pillar of western society is Academical Institutions, they were connected with church in two ways, first through academics. They determine what syllabus to taught and it is one of the main centres for third world people to be brainwashed with western thinking’s. One such type is happening in India, calling our indigenous practices as traditional and defaming our practices in one hand and hailing western one as the best one to follow. But in contemporary westerners are leaving their practices and following Indian culture i.e. Hindu Culture. These educational institutions are mentored by Churches which are funded by funding agencies which once again fund as per the wish of Churches.
Government form a main of western institutional set up. Western government are not that secular as Indian one. They have to take advise from Churches. They follow a system of Church first and Citizen next. So the word of the church is final. Being a powerful body, churches dominating it for its own purpose. The main motive of Churches is to convert masses into Christianity. For that they use the power of government. In short Government, Educational Institutions and Funding agencies that revolves around the western institutional system by having Church as an active force.
With the cluster of western Agencies, they fund the third world nations which is having other religions as majority. One of the biggest challenge for European especially for Britain is Hinduism. After 250 years of rule they couldn’t able to convert not more than 5% of Indians. For that reason, they had introduced McCauley system of education to tame the Vedic knowledge that we Hindus possess.
In the upcoming article, we are going to see how these western institutions impact social discourse in India.