Abhishek at Mississauga Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Canada

Abhishek at Mississauga Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Canada

We want to Thank Sri Seshagiri Rao Nayani and Shalini Nayani for the Abhishekam done at Shirdi Sai Baba Temple which is located at #13, 1180 Mid-way Blvd, Mississauga. They conduct Abhishek in the temple on the weekends. Devotees may book to perform Abhishek and Alankars.

Temple opened in the morning with Morning Arti and then prasad distribution. After this the Abishek done with water thoroughly by the karthas and then by each devotee presented there. Then decorated with new cloth and flowers beautifully. All the pictures are included here for all to see and get blessed. Weekend really attracts lots of devotees other than the Special days  of the week and must visit the temple to feel the vibes.

History of Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shrdi is treated as God for all. Baba came to Shirdi at the age of 16 for the first time. Villagers wondered looking at him that a boy at a very tender age doing deep meditation sitting under Neem tree, without food and even water for several days. Bayajabai, wife of village chief occasionally enquired about the welfare of the Sai Baba in his childhood. Gradually she started bringing food to Baba. As the days passed by Baba started treating her as his own mother. Mhalspati, the village chief and a priest, once possessed by Lord Khandoba, uttered that there is a holy spirit here pointing towards the Sai Baba
For a period of one year Baba left Shirdi and met many saints, fakirs and even worked as weaver as history says.
In 1858, Baba returned to Shirdi permanently. For about five years of time Baba took his accommodation under the Neem tree and very often Baba used to wander in the jungle near Shirdi
Sai baba reported many miracles. He performed many miracles such as levitation, bilocation, materialization, reading of peoples mind, entering tomb at his own will, and removal of body parts and affixing them again including intestines. He took rebirth after 3 days, cured the ill persons. There are hundreds of miracles reported at shirdi by Sai Baba. People believe that reading Sai charitha is good for all types of problems in the family and all health issues. Devotee often says that. Shirdi Sai Baba gave darshan to them in form of Lord Rama, Krishna etc. They also say that Sai Baba used to come in dream and gave them advice on what to do and what not to do. He will answer and solve all his devotee’s problems from his tomb in Shirdi.


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